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I think the scores that 1UP gave Resistance2 was fine. The translations that Metacritic does for a percentage score are a bit flawed.

Here is the score translation from 1UP to Metacritic, and recent games that received these scores. Is most cases for game that got a B or below, these scores are the absolute lowest for the games on Metacritic. An average game is a C/C+ for 1UP. That translates to a horrible game in Metacritic. (50-58%)

My advise is to read the 1UP review and score, and to ignore the Metacritic score translation.

A+ = 100 (LBP)
A = 100 (Fable 2, Fallout 3, Bioshock)
A- = 91 (GH:WT)
B+ = 83% (Resistance 2, Far Cry 2)
B = 75% (Midnight Club LA)
B- = 67% (Sam & Max Wii)
C+ = 58% (Spider Man Web of Shadows)
C= 50% (Crash Bandicoot: Mind of Mutant)
C- = 42% (Blitz II: The League)
D+ = 33% (War World)
D = 25% (Golden Axe:Beast Rider)
D- = 13%(Monster Madness: Grave Danger)
F = 0% (Vampire Rain: Altered Species)