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akuma587 said:
In other news, I got owned today. I found out this girl I have been obsessed with for the last few weeks has a boyfriend. We hit it off so well the first day we got to know each other, and had the most interesting conversation for over an hour and a half.

Not to mention she was completely acting like she was interested in me. If I would talk to someone else she would stay quiet and just kind of sit there looking kind of pouty/sad, she was extremely inviting in terms of body language and everything else, and she was really interested in what I had to say. That is the difference between guys and girls, that girls can do something like that and not actually be into a guy. Either that or she is a tease, but I won't badmouth her because she actually has good taste in music, movies, etc., which is more than I can say about 95% of girls.

The funny thing is I even turned down a date with another girl who WAS interested in me because I was more interested in this girl. Oh well, its not like that other girl was anything special. But I did get kind of screwed anyway you look at it.

The key thing to know about going after girls is that you will fail, many, many times. Its not always your fault, and every now and then you don't screw it up, but from my own experience there are far more screw ups than successes.


Sometimes they do it just to boost their ego and remember they can have a man anyway she wants, just for fun. Sometimes she is not that interested in her boyfriend but can't, don't or won't break up. Sometimes, well... her boyfriend isn't a problem, but i wouldn't advise it...

Hell, compromised men do these things too. It sucks that you turned down another date, hope you have luck with her.

Flow -"The important is to pwn other ppl"