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I like and dislike your guide, though my reasons for dislike are mostly frivolous(thing like listing Eternal Sonata as PS3 when it's PS3/360). For one there's a few SNES era RPG's that aren't terribly difficult to find. Final Fantasy 6 and 4(DS wii and PS1) Breath of Fire I & II(GBA and I think 2 is on Wii shop channel) and games like Secret of Mana which fall under Action and are available on Wii shop, Super Mario RPG(awesome!)

I also have an addendum in several games, Constitution affects your health/HP and I've seen Wisdom affect MP in a few games but it's very rare.

Edit: Also Wild Arms for the PS1(available on PSN) was a very good game and Lunar 1 & 2(PS1 Sega CD Sega Saturn and an iteration of the first on GBA) are practically must haves for any RPG fan.

Phantasy Star 1-4(Genesis) but 1-3 are available on GBA and partially on Wii shop channel or through a compilation disc on the PS2.

Edit 2: I also want to note Baiten Katos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean on the Gamecube was a very well done RPG with an interesting combat system that is very much worth picking up.