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Actually I started a thread, to feature the article... the title is called fun. I do respect the guy.

I was telling Alex jones to get a life, not you. Sorry for that misunderstanding.

It is not illegal for politicians in the U.S. to socialize with foreign politicians, they are not legally required to disclose these meetings (except in the case of certain nations). They are not empowered to make legal binding promises, make treaties or other foreign pacts unless the president authorizes it or hold official meetings; there are probably ethics rulings on this but I'm not going to look it up. It's illegal for them to share secrets, etc. They are not allowed to receive undocumented gifts or hospitality, and there are strict limits.

-"OMG, politicians socializing! They might not want to go to war if they are friendly. OMG! Help! They are concealing something."
+"What are they concealing?"
-"Aliens, Rituals, and Secret pacts"
+"Well if you know about them, then they're not secret"
-"But we don't know the details"
-"Well how do we know what's important?"
+"By looking at the real world. Viewing video, traveling, talking to people from around the world. Reading financial numbers, looking at commodities inventories. Reading scholarly journals. Talking and writing in fragments, no not that... Looking at raw data instead of statistical interpretations...."
-"Well, what about the secret societies?"
+"How's your life? Good or bad? Is it good or bad because of choices you make or because of the choices of that secret society?"
-"Man, you really drank the Kool Aid."

Now, I know about the alledged crimes of the Bohemian Grove... but I've yet to see one piece of material evidence. I know, I know, all those politicians and ministers are kidnapping and killing all those missing children; sick. No, not them, the fact that people believe that bunk.

I drank the Kool Aid.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.