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Squilliam said:
Spankey said:
Squilliam said:
Wait a second!

EA is one of the biggest PC publishers and yet a single console platform still beats it. This isn't all consoles vs PC in some kind of unfair matchup, its one console or the HD twins depending on how you want to cut it. It does show that consoles are >>>> the PC platform.

PC revenue total: $515 Million
Xbox 360 revenue total: $847 Million
PS3 revenue total: $508 Million.

Added together the PS3+Xbox 360 produce more than 2.5 times more revenue for EA than the PC.

Wheres this mystical huge PC market?


Good point - perhaps they just make more on console games than PC ones?

Console games are generally more expensive

Even then its a huge discrepency really. Im not sure whether they count the console royalty as an expense or just take it away from the revenue. Even then the gap is big enough to not have to worry about small things like that.

In terms of total value this is a significant difference. Its not units sold that matters, its total revenue.


I hear you. I just couldn't think of another plausable reason under pressure...


Proud Sony Rear Admiral