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akuma587 said:
Moongoddess256 said:
I tend to find that men who aren't oblivious to my interest who have a girlfriend tend to mention that girlfriend in conversation pretty quickly.

Do other chicks do that thing with not mentioning the boyfriend frequently? I've heard this happen to a few other dudes before, I find it sort of ridiculous.

More often than they should. At least things like Facebook have made it easier to spy on people and avoid those awkward, "I have a boyfriend" moments. But I can think of five examples off the top of my head after lengthy social foreplay where I asked a girl out to do something and she told me she had a boyfriend. Even worse is when they do go out with you AND THEN tell you they have a boyfriend.

I think part of it is that girls, for some reason that I have yet to fully comprehend, don't realize that at least 75% (probably more) of the time a guy spends a great deal of time talking to a girl he is interested in her. Guys know this about other guys. Its in their blood. They know when a guy is interested in another girl. Some girls do realize it, and others realize it but just don't say anything because they like attention. But way more girls than I would expect simply have a hard time picking up on when a guy is hitting on them.

I think it is that girls kind of have faith that guys and girls can be friends, whereas most guys have abandoned that idea long ago, and the only girls they have as friends are 1) Ones they couldn't hook up with and are now friends with, 2) Ones who they are required to be friends with through social circumstances, 3) Ones that already have boyfriends. I get along with girls very well and have some very close girl friends, but every one of them fits into one of those three categories.



oh shit. I guess I fall into the "oblivious" category then. I'm one of those girls that believes in being friends with guys :( Guess that explains my frustration that most guys take my wanting to be friends as me making a move on them.

[2:08:58 am] Moongoddess256: being asian makes you naturally good at ddr
[2:09:22 am] gnizmo: its a weird genetic thing
[2:09:30 am] gnizmo: goes back to hunting giant crabs in feudal Japan