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Bohemian Grove is part of Skull and Bones according to Alex.

The ceremony, is like the ceremonies at a lot of fraternities, sororities, and College Secret Societies. They are not about faith, they are about ritual tradition, bonding, and fun.

His response does not disturb me.

Why shouldn't people be allowed to hang out together, no matter their background?

I think people have these things backwards, being a member isn't a requirement of being powerful. Being powerful (or a Skull and Bones alum) is a requirement of becoming a member.

That dude is just jealous that he is a failure who's only claim to marginal internet fame is as a conspiracy theorist.

Get a life. Do something useful and you'll be surprised what doors open up.

Also government officials are entitled to their own proivacy but not when there meeting with other high level politicians from other countires and big business CEOs and doing wacked out shit like that.

No, it's none of our business at all, if they do it on their time and with their money.

Edit: Do you want cameras in your backyard, bedroom, or church?  If you say "yes", you live a very boring life.

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.