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stof said:
I've come to the conclusion that the main reason Obama is going to take this election so handily is that both parties had exceptionally strong, intelligent and respectable candidates.

The Republican party may be a corrupt and morally bankrupt organization. But there's one thing they do better than any other organization around today. They win elections through smear campaigns. So why have they fallen apart this election? Because John McCain is too principled a man for that sort of campaign. During the Republican primaries that saw Bush triumph over McCain, It was Bush's slander and McCain's morals that lost him the primary. During the Recent primaries, it was McCain's sincerity and principles that won.

But this election, things changed. McCain at first seemed unwilling to engage in that sort of dirty politicking, instead leaving it to other operatives in his party. But no only was Obama able to deflect such attacks (take for example, his wonderful speech on race relations), but he began to define the terms on which the election was fought. At some point down the line, McCain seemed to agree that, for better or worse, the kind of dirty smears and cheap tricks that cost him his prior primary was the only way to win. This caused a new problem. Where McCain's principles first found him unwilling, they now found him incapable. Just as I have no idea how to play a guitar, McCain seems to have no idea how to run a shitty below the belt campaign. He's not only at odds with his campaign advisors right now. He's at odds with himself.

So in the end, we are presented with an intelligent and tactful opponent running a solid campaign based on change and hope, and an intelligent and tactful opponent running a sloppy and immoral campaign based on everything he is not.

McCain never had a chance this time around. Which is so sad considering what a wonderful president he could have been were he chosen 8 years ago.

Oh yeah, and Palin. He royally fucked up with Palin.

Of course, that's just my opinion.

I <3 you, Stof (not in a gay way, but in a man-love way ). That was well said.



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