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Senlis said:
famousringo said:
Here's hoping they give this one some serious dialog trees and fix the gimped leveling system.

Actually, the way characters level up by using thier skills is part of the series.  I don't see it going away any time soon.  After all, does it not make sense.  How do you become a better runner?  Do you go and beat up some guys on the street, gain "exerience", "level up", and spend some bonus points on speed?  No, you go out and run to become a better runner.

As to those people who thought that it took too long to level up athletics in any Elder Scrolls, you need to put athletics as a major skill.  If you don't want to spend a slot for the skill, tough cookies.  That is the point of the whole system, pick out a couple of slots that you excell in, not excell everything.

As for the serious dialogue tree, that is the fault of voice acting.  Elder Scrolls 3 had way more dialogue than Elder Scrolls 4, because 4 was spoken.  IMO, ES4 had better dialogue sometimes than 3.  Think about quests in 3; Most of them was "go kill them, go get that".  What was one of the first quests for the fighters guild in ES4? It was a spoof off of the first one in ES3, save the rats instead of kill them.  I thought that was hilarious when I heard "yes, there are rats in my basement, and something is killing them! It's horrible!"

Don't get the impression I like ES4.  I hate it.  I hate it for luring me into playing it with the false pretext of being fun, and then dissapointing me every time.  I have played the game for at least a total of 30 hours with about 5 characters.  I keep starting the game thinking it will be fun, and then end up discarding it.


The way skills leveled was fine. The way stats leveled was stupid. The way you picked three stats, based on how much you used the skills they support, and leveled them by a capped 5 encouraged some behavior which simply wasn't fun. If you wanted to max your stats, you'd have to very carefully raise your skills in a particular way which wouldn't waste these stat increases.

They need to reform this leveling system so that it doesn't reward you for carefully using and not using certain skills. It just isn't fun, but if you don't game the system, you find your stats falling behind as you level.

As for branching dialogue trees being hampered by voice work, this is a problem which Bioware has managed to overcome. They used language barriers to help them in KOTOR, and I'm guessing they did the same in Mass Effect, but important conversations still got full voice. If Bethesda can't figure out a way to make it work, perhaps their game would be better with less voice...

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*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.