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grimygunz said:
In all honesty even if the ps3 dosen't win i dont see a real chance of losing because of the 10 year strategy they are using. Right now its hard to say that they are losing because the PS2 is still selling quite well and there isn't a big reason to jump to next gen for many people who belive prices will go down to thier liking. The PS2 still has decent enough software being released to support it for another year especially seeing as the games are easy to make simultaniusly with Wii games.

Only when the PS2 has lost all steam and is selling like GC and xbox will we see how things pan out.
in US sony can be in third and still be fine as they are a lockin at nothing lower than #2 in Europe and Japan.

Anyone else think that because of the PSP being introduced onto the Handheld market that nintendo got their shit together. I honestly think that 95% of the GBA games suxed and was carried by pokemon even though thoes havent changed much since red and blue. now with the DS the game quiltiy is Much higher and alot of new IPs are being made for it. The PSP's multimedia capibilities made it alot more accessible to older gaming crowds as the games are in general focused for them and using it to listen to music and watch movies(from memstick) gave it much more value and saves pocket space by not needing an ipod.

And to be honest I agree with you. As long as the PS2 is selling at a considerably high its fine for Sony. And I agree with the GBA they did suck, the only thing was caring that platform was Pokemon and I agree with you talking about the PSP, it is the most convient little device ever and I'm glad to be an owner of it to!