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DeotoxSlayer said:
Jo21 said:
Shadowblind said:

Why would they not only show the EXACT same trailer from the 360 version, but say NOTHING on the idea that its going to PS3? That little PS2 sign at the front doesn't convince me.

Fake. But its still coming to PS3 I believe.


lol @ your sig.

Too bad that White Knight Chronicles will be released on December 25th or ToV would've won JRPG of the Year fromm Japanese magazines, though it will win JRPG of the year from avrious NA websites.



Lol I couldn't care less if FFXIII and SO4 were coming out this year, Vesperia will be JRPG of the year regardless!




Well to me anyway....

Oh well, with luck the PS3 version will come out with extra stuff, and its definately a game I'd purchase a second time even if its a carbon copy.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.