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SamuelRSmith said:
Well, for one, weren't you a big Microsoft fan before, with a huge 360 logo in your signature?

Anywho, I don't see Sony pulling the plug on any and I see a PS4 and a PSP2 being released. I also think Sony will learn from their mistakes and I see them getting good strong 2nd places in both areas next generation, I don't think Nintendo will be knocked from 1st place for atleast another generation after this.

First to your statement at the begining I was a big Microsoft fan, but at that time I was undecided on which system to choose, but now that I decided and I'm saving for a PS3 now its more then advised for me to say I'm a Sony fanboy. So you can disregard that info you saw.

On topic: SamuelRSmith one thing your right about is that Sony is going to learn from their mistakes and continue on and fight their way through.