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The only reason we backed Israel before, and the only reason why we back them now is because with us on their side, other middle eastern countries won't gang up on them (again) and then wind up get themselves nuked to back to the days of Saladin. (And of course they were an ally in the cold war.)

If that happens, there's no oil production, WWIII and everybody else gets bombed back to their respective stereotypical era in the past.

Or we stop using oil, the Middle East goes broke and we are in the same situation.


Jackson 50 is right, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a fun distraction for everyone around the world.  Arab countries can arm palestinians and bomb a minimal number of  Israelis.  Israelis can shoot at and bomb the muslim Palestinians that the Arabs mistreated themselves and disliked, until someone else was picking on them.  And no one important dies.

I think the world can come past that type of thinking.  War isn't necessary.  There's plenty for every one to eat.  In a few years their will be plenty of energy for everyone too.  There's plenty of space.  Free flow of information is changing minds all over the place because most of us aren't stupid, little and hateful reading into all types of propaganda.  Or ruin people's lives.

My imitation of Republicans:

"Let's attack this guy with lies."

(Something is revealed that is true about their candidate or their associate, that happens to be true - like McCain funded Khalidi's work (which I am proud of by the way, or Joe the Plumber is really a relative of Charles Keating.)

"How dare you attack this poor man?  Woe, is us.  Always the targets"

I would cite regulation, but I know you will simply ignore it.