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Depends what you like...

FPS= Both good, you will be happy either way buy 360 may be better.

SRPG= PS3. Other than PSP, PS3 has best SRPGs this gen. Check out Disgaea 3 and Valkeryia Chronicles, the 2 best. 360 has spectral force, which I hear is ok.

Platformer- kinda a toss up. 360 has Banjo Kazooie, Banjo Tooie, Banjo Nuts and Bolts, and Kameo (if its a platformer, not really sure). Ps3 has pixel junk eden, rayman, and Little Big Planet. Both have 2 sonic games and are getting a new sonic game next year that is nothing but remakes of all of sonic's genesis games and maybe others in HD 1080P.

Puzzle= no clue, every console ever is fine in the catergory. 360 has some good arcade puzzles, dunno about 360.

JRPG= 360 is far better, but PS3 is getting some. PS3 is getting eternal sonata and Tales of Vesperia from 360. Both are getting FF13. PS3 is getting White Knight Chronicles and vs 13. 360 has/is getting blue dragon, lost oddesy, star ocean 4 as exclusives.

WRPG= 360 for sure.

Racing= both are fine. PS3 might be better once GT5 comes out, but you may be waiting a while.

For creative games, both are good. PS3 has Little Big Planet, 360 viva pinata. LBP is practically the greatest game ever, but there are TWo viva games, so it balances out imo.

360 is also $200 cheaper if you don't care about online and dont have an HDTV.