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PC Discussion - Try Linux - View Post

I switched to Ubuntu in May and then back to Windows in September. I must say it took me like 3 days to get used to Linux and start liking it and switching back to Windows irked me for more than 2 weeks.
But Linux did have its share of problems for me and in the end I switched back because after tinkering with it for days I couldn't get rid of overscan with my hdmi to the TV and using that is probably what I use most on my pc.
At the time there was also Flash being all laggy in full screen...

For the most part though it was great and I'm still using it on my laptop.
After quitting MMOs though I don't game on the pc, which is a deciding factor for Windows.

In defense of Linux with absolutely clueless users who mostly browse, listen to music, watch videos and chat, they do just fine. I've since installed it on two friends' laptops and a desktop, for people who couldn't handle setting up anything in Windows - and they've been just fine with Ubuntu.

For the mid-tech savvy crowd though it's not ready yet. It needs more direct manifacturer support on the graphics and audio cards, and on some peripherials - I gave up setting up my Logitech G15 keyboard on it, but I went through setting up my wacom. It wasn't rocket science but it also wasn't something a majority will go with.

One thing that surprised me that of all the basic stuff it was networking I couldn't figure out for quite a while (between the two computers that is, internet connection was out of the box).