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Well, I find the review / score out of sync with the text and I'm impressed that they gave RFOM2 a B+ and said it improved on its predecessor successfully - a game they rate as an A-

Maybe its me but if you advance from A- you don't get to B+

The lack of narrator does seem to be attracting a fair share of comments - again interesting as many same review sites complained about the narrator approach and funnily enough the highest rated FPS around like Half Life 2 also use the same approach where you only know as much as your protagonist and have to put together the clues of the plot yourself. It's almost like they think this requires too much brain input from a console player but not a PC player.

If I compare the review to others I've read it does seem to be the odd one out that leans lower for no obvious reasons (a bit like certain Ratchet & Clank reviews). Not suggesting any conspiracy BTW - just pointing out that sometimes games get a few reviews that dip lower than the average of the majority of the others.

Try to be reasonable... its easier than you think...