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Final-Fan said:
Ail said:
ZenfoldorVGI said:
Ail said:
Easy, only ship 90% of the game on the DVD and require the user to download the last 10% !

I should patent this !

Umm....I think there might be some sort of backlash and/or legal action against a company who sold a big game, that didn't work unless it was brand new, lol.

You know gamestop employees play all the new games? They are just required to return it "looking new" or they have to pay for it.

It would also destroy gamespot, gamefly, and the gaming economy in general would be taking in far less money. Less people would actually buy these games.

Right now, the industry just isn't equipped for such broad ranging change, in order to make more money than they already do. Nintendo, for instance, will never, ever do something like that, lol. They barely even lower the price of their games, and they still sell forever.

It would be the equivelant of....if your DVDs would only play on your DVD player. It might be something people like us understand the reasoning behind, but it just wouldn't be accepted by a wide audience.

As for your suggestion, I assume you mean, you need a 1 time download code in order to DL the last 10 percent. If not, then it wouldn't address the problem whatsoever.

You assume right.

You could make it so that the same person could get the download several times in case they change gaming hardware ( make them register and stuff using the download code on the game box..)

For gamefly you could fix it by making rent only versions of the game (the same thing they do for movies, you can't resell those copies). It would be in favor of both publishers and gamefly. Publishers would get their cut each time a movie in rented, gamefly wouldn't have to sell used copies of their game to balance their budget (I somewhat doubt they do more than break even just on renting revenue...)

PS : Gamestop letting its employee play games and selling them as new is clearly not a practice that  is in the benefit of either the customer or the publisher so it's not really something I want to see in the future anyway......

Then why do I see Blockbuster selling tons of used copies of popular DVDs (i.e. the ones that Blockbuster would need to have many copies of until it got old)? 

Also, how does depriving gamefly of a source of revenue (used game sales) help it?  I think I'm just not understanding your model here because I also don't understand how publishers would get a cut EVERY time it's rented.  Are you suggesting publishers would give these to gamefly for free and get their money back on rentals?  So in essence the publishers would be contracting out rental services to gamefly? 

P.S.  Did you know Gamestop also sells its opened "floor model" games as new also?  This is not something I believe normal retailers do.

Don't DVD you rent start with a message telling you they are a rental copy that can not be resold ? ( i know that was the case for VHS, maybe it's different for DVD lol, I never payed attention).

I'm pretty sure used DVD don't...

Don't studio get a cut each time a movie is rented ? I figure they did seeing how every week we get reports of rental revenue and that revenue is usually added to the movie total revenue...

So yeah in essence gamefly would get games for free and make money each time a game is rented, same for the publishers. No risk of buying too many games and noone wanting to rent them for gamefly, and publisher get a cut per rental so they don't loose on revenue either...

Get that kind of rental model working and make it a lot more popular and people won't need to buy used games...


That's the way it works for TV and radio. Each time a movie is shown or a song put on the radio the studio get a sum of money...


Heck what i suggest for rentals is exactly the way professional software works except there is no intermediary.

Business rent their software and pays fees on a regular interval if they want to keep using it...


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !