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WiiStation360 said:
It well be interesting to see how much Fable 2's release a week earlier affects Fallout 3's sales. I would assume that there is huge overlap in the market for these two games, and most people will not be done with Fable 2 yet. It should at least help the PS3 to 360 sales ratio.


There is overlap, I am sure, but Day-1 metrics via 360V didn't look too bad for Fable 2. It lost around ~1,500 users/day when Fallout 3 launched, which wasn't bad at all. That's compared to virtually every game taking a beating the day that Fable 2 launched.

Honestly: Fallout 3 is far more 'hardcore' due to the PC-gamer following, and the following of Oblivion. Whereas Fable has a little bit....Less of a PC-esque following since it dabbles in the action/adventure genre quite a bit more.

I don't see Fallout 3 getting hurt too much by Fable 2 overall...Just like Rainbow Six Vegas didn't get hurt by Gears of War. Sure, it may have a softer opening, but over Christmas, Fallout 3 will still be bought by every gamer that wanted it. And unlike most other companies, Bethsada won't drop prices anytime soon, so they'll make plenty of money.


Back from the dead, I'm afraid.