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twingo said:
Kasz216 said:
NiKKoM said:
Ehm... isn't the bigger prediction that they expect that the PS3 will never break even?? So that it will never make any profit for Sony? Which is bad.. if true..

That's not much of a prediction.

It's already lost more then the PS2 made.

The PS3 isn't going to the PS2... and it isn't going to be better then the PS2...

So why would you expect them to break even or make a profit with the PS3?


It already is better then PS2, its online and PSn make it better.

As a gaming machine, its just better in just about every way.

Only the versions that play PS2 games as of yet. (Like mine.)

The non BC PS3's still lack severly in the most important factor in my opinion.

Still the implication was clear.