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rocketpig said:

I didn't bitch, Ail. I think that's a fair trade-off. Give the new purchase more content (though don't start sacrificing core content and bitch out on the process) and people who really want the game will buy it. There will still be a used market, but the price will be lower - cutting into Gamestop's ridiculously fat margins - and incentive to wait and purchase used will largely be gone.

This kind of whining reminds me of the MPAA in the late 90s. They were making money, got fat, and didn't change to cater to the market. When the market changed without them and they started suffering, they started kicking and screaming and tried to change laws to suit their old, fat business model.

Life doesn't work that way. Evolve with the times or get left behind. How much better shape would the recording industry be in right now if they had set up an iTunes-esque model in 1998?

I completely agree.

All games need to avoid overuse of Preused/pirating is

new content for new games / DLC by a code.