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CrashMan said:
tarheel91 said:
It's not that uncommon really. People do the same thing with sports, contestants on shows, etc. We just for an emotional connection with something we support and enjoy rooting for it/them. Is that so hard to understand.


Yeah, but its still kinda frustrating.  I hate when people talk about sports teams like they are on the team.

"We played awsome(ly) last night"

"We really need to beat team X"

"I can't believe we picked up Player Y"

No, the team did those things.  You sat on your couch and watched.


I think it's only an issue of symantics and much less than you're making it out to be.  They realize they're not a part of the team.  I assure you they don't think they played any part.  It's just how you talk about "your team."