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akuma587 said:
rocketpig said:
Can't we all just admit that it takes an asshole to become a politician and an extra-special asshole to become a prominent politician?

I like things about both candidates, but let's not pretend as if they both don't have huge skeletons in their respective closets. I don't like Obama's connections to Ayers and Wright and I think they reflect very poorly on his character but I'm not going to throw a fit about it. McCain has plenty of old connections I don't like either.

Indeed, no politician, or anybody for that matter, is perfect.  That's why dwelling on things like this is a waste of time, and distracts from the actual issues.

Now it would be different if John McCain or Obama ran a prostitution ring in the past or something, but people just need to drop all these stories.  The Democrats have been doing a fairly good job about not harping on McCain by adopting all the conspiracy theories out there, (That he was brainwashed in Vietnam, that he was an incompetent solider, that he is corrupt and had a lot of associations with Abramoff and the Keating Five, etc.).

No politician is perfect, but trying to play guilt by association is just plain childish.

Exactly. How repulsive would Republicans find that kind of talk?

Like I said, I think everyone should take a look at Ayers and Wright and say "Well, those were poor decisions. Obama should have been smarter than that." and leave it at that unless we want to start questioning some pretty ugly notions regarding McCain.


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