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Dinomax said:

Ah remeber the good ol days?  Me, SEGA and Nintendo use to go to the ol swimming hole.  Catch some might bass there, then go home and collect the lemons from grandmas then try to sell lemonade for spare change. Good times, good times.

Seriously the posts lately about how poor Sony is doing and how people are actually moved by there sales makes me depressed to the point I want to shoot myself.  Not because of Sony but because most of you posters actaully took time to write that. 


Sony, Nintendo, Microsoft.  There not your friends, buddies, amigos, family, pirate crew, homies, frat boys, roomates or any definition you use for friend, family, relative, etc.


Yes I know you had good times growing up playing there system but in the end.  They were doing there job.  They sold you there product and you paid for it.  That's it.  I know most people take it a lot more serious on the internet but theres a reason for that.  There nerds.  Its time to learn to seperate companys from this comfort status because lets face it you can either becomed derange or well, waste your time on a internet forum.


You don't want that now do you?



Hey, I know what you're saying. They are just businesses, after all. I realized this myself after I stopped being Nintendo's primary demogrpahic. I have responeded to the cahnge by buying a PSP, 360, and perhaps I will buy a PS3 as well.