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PC Discussion - Try Linux - View Post

I'm a 4 year PURE Linux user. I've tried preaching it's uses, but I've stopped. Why? Because people just have a lot of trouble learning something new, or just don't want to. It's too much hassle for me to explain the benefits of Linux to people and only have them ignore them because they just turn to me to fix their computer anyways.

Sure I could stop helping them, but that's not who I am. Linux is great. Great for the basic user who just surfs the web, checks their e-mail, plays web based games. It's also great for people who love to tinker with things and have more control over their system, people like me for example. It's not great for the average user though. There are a lot of things they use the computer for, and are already easily frustrated with Windows. Introducing something new for them to get even more frustrated at is just a hassle for me.

I want Linux to succeed, and I support it by using it solely. I don't use Windows on my computer, PERIOD. The only thing close is Wine and that's simply so I don't HAVE to use Windows. Linux is certainly a viable alternative to Windows and MACs. It's just going to take a few more years to become mainstream enough that people will be more open to it more and more. When viruses, malware, phishing scams, etc become so much of a hassle they'll finally throw in the towel and try something new, be it MAC or Linux.