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would i get banned too if i QFT'd zealot? ^^

In actuality, OP, these companies do care about their consumers. Just as at the place I work, I care if people enjoy themselves and I get upset when they are not happy.
Plenty of people go out into the world with jobs where they care about their "saps". Not to say that your opinion is wrong. But you are wrong.

I care about the people I work with and so do my fellow employees and we would care about them even if we owned the store, or the company for that matter.
The truth is that they have difficult decisions to make, and cannot keep EVERYONE happy and unfortunately that is the rub. Unnappreciation. If I go out of my way to help someone at my work, and someone says that I'm "just doing my job and therefore not deserving of thanks or a tip" that takes away motivation to excell at my next endeavor.
So thank you, OP, for making broad sweeping generalizations based on what you think is true. I bet people like sid meier, miyamoto, and will wright appreciate you.