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Dodece said:
First I would say the topic should probably be moved to the off topic forums. Since it somewhere left gaming relevance which was never the less very shallow, and the only depth to be had was the discussion of in game advertising in general.

That said I enjoy both the Daily Show, and the Colbert Report. The problem isn't that they are partisan politically. The problem is they are partisan towards what is the best comedy. The reality is that for the last few weeks the Republican party read the writing on the wall, and went into a full melt down. They know they are effectively screwed seven ways from Sunday, and they are trying anything and everything to stay afloat.

You must confess it is kind of hard to stretch a joke out of Obama going after loose nukes. When you have a Republican Senator spouting off about Obama being Anti American, and the need for the media to put on show trials. Had she never heard of McCarthy. One of the blackest chapters in American history. I mean that is so incredibly dumb it is easy to milk twenty minutes of jokes out of that alone.

Then how do you explain those shows going extremely left several months ago? That's when I stopped watching. I've seen a few in the past few months and it's still the same crap.

When something incredibly stupid happens, I expect one side to catch a lot of flak for it. When the shows started to completely ignore Obama near the end of the primaries, I knew something was wrong. When they kept it up for a few weeks, I stopped thinking they were funny and moved onto other television programs.

Still, even your explanation doesn't give me a reason as to why Colbert has stopped poking fun of the Democrats and now makes outright jokes at the expense Republicans, completely ruining his established character. Did he run out of ideas or is he so blinded by one side of the political spectrum that he can't even make jokes about his own party? Either answer makes his show less funny than it once was.

I'm sorry but there isn't much that's funny about a Bill O'Reilly character, dressed in a power suit with an immaculate haircut, that tells jokes about the Republican party. That's what Colbert has been reduced to doing over the past half year.

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