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PC Discussion - Try Linux - View Post

twesterm said:
I tried it years ago, hated it, not going back.

Why can I still think that? I'm sure you still have opinions of Windows based off of absolutely nothing. Thank you, but I like being able to run all the programs I want to run without having to jump through 100 hoops.

And yeah, I'm pretty sick of Linux dorks that keep telling me to try Linux. They annoy me more than Tyra.


Ubuntu releases pretty major revisions once every six months or so. I used it about a year ago up until.... three months ago? The Package Installer was probably the greatest thing I had ever used. It's really been streamlined a lot.

By no means are you required to try it, but why poop on a thread? For reals.

I recommend Ubuntu to people, though not if you're a gamer. If you're a gamer you can run games, but it does take hoop-jumping.

I'll be putting Ubuntu back on my laptop once I get a desktop with some decent horsepower to play games on.