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actually, stupid faces aside it looks great. I just got outside (then I was trying to activate xfire to take some screens and it crashed haha but I'll play it again as soon as I'm finished here) and it looked great, even far away. anyway, my god, the faces are horrible, no emotions, just your average 3D model. I thought it was weird that they forced me into combat inside the vault too. the VATS actually played better than I expected, and I have to figure out about hotkeys but apparently I have to open the pipboy anytime I want to change a weapon, I don't like that.

with Mass Effect I had great expectations and got major disappointments, mostly from apparently "minor" things that to me crippled the game (the inventory hassle, side quests, bugs). that's why I don't expect what all reviews say :P

I will play more without alt+tabbing to see what happens, the forums (bethesda's and steam) are filled with people complaining about crashes, looks like Mass Effect all over again (what a coincidence :P)

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