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PC Discussion - Try Linux - View Post

Soleron said:


Linux has many advantages over Windows for users:

1. It doesn't get viruses

2. It's faster than Windows

3. It looks better than Windows, and you can customise it more

4. It's free

5. Its applications are free

6. It's easier to use out of the box

7. It's easier to install new programs


1. Not entirely true. Trojans still get on the system, but they are coded to run under Windows enviroment. In effect you can help spread them with P2P programs ands stuff. @WoW, you must have an anti virus. The reference is without. Or you don't do much internet stuff outside of simple browsing.

2. Can be faster than Windows. Depending on the application and if it takes advantage of the gui. I prefer Konqourer.

3. WAY SO TRUE. Windows gui is DLL coded while Linux is an additional layer. You can customize Windows, but only by hacking the DLL. Like Window Blinds...

5. WoW makes a good point.I can't stand The Gimp. I prefer

6. I'm sorry you are very wrong on this. After using a handful of the larger name Linux distros. this is incorrect. It's not that it's harder to use, but the mind frame about it's usage is not all that similiar to Windows. Similiar when I had people try OSX. Great OS, but it's different and that's a problem. It requires either adjustment or forgetting how Windows works.

partition structure is un-intuitive.  It's good in design, but most people don't want unusual partitions. It's gotta be simple.(i'm not using Ubunut 8).

The final problem with this is that I find many Linux distros to be teh hardcore use. uuuh like the continue archaic use of bash or terminal. I can't believe when things go really wrong.


7.  yes and no. I found numerous problems prior using the installer. It's not intuitive. There way to much without good orginization. Installers aren't hard to use.

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.