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PC Discussion - Try Linux - View Post

Soleron said:

1. Because you are a sensible and knowledgable PC user. I know it's possible not to get viruses on a Windows system (I haven't got one running XP or Vista), but on Linux it is much harder to get infected in the case of malware and impossible in the case of viruses (because they don't exist) 2. Not for me, not on any computer. It's sometmes faster in the beginning, but after about a month XP and Vista slow right down, apparently by themselves. 3. I meant relative to Windows. With Compiz, you get get better effects than Aero on hardware Aero doesn't even support, like Intel integrated stuff. 4. I'll concede this, but it's the reason I hate MS so much (you can't buy a non-Windows PC for cheaper). 5. I'll concede this too, but it's better when the apps are native (GIMP on Windows sucks due to lack of integration). As for games, I honestly wouldn't recommend Linux to any serious gamer, or at least I'd say dual-boot. 6. You can't have it both ways. One of the criticisms of linux was that it required too much effort to set up, and now it doesn't you say their isn't enough control? For the average user, Linux is easier to set up than Windows. 7. Everything's in the main repository anyway. I've yet to find a useful program that isn't.

You typed that in a bizarre browser or linux text editor didn't you? 

1)  I agree.  Linux is harder to infect.

2)  Actually, it should be the opposite.  An XP box should be slowest in the first month when it's still building its prefetch.  You have very odd experiences.  Only severe drive fragmentation could explain them.  Luckily a journalling file system usually saves Linux from this necessity.

3)  I like comparing things to their equivalent.  Not doing that is like saying Linux has a better IM client than Windows in Pidgin by comparing Pidgin to Windows Messenger.  Well of course it'll seem better, but it's more accurate to compare Linux's Pidgin to Window's Pidgin and Trillian.

4)  Unless you buy the parts yourself.  ^_^

5)  I've never been too impressed with GIMP.  That comes from years of Photoshop experience though so I know that I'm biased.

6)  I didn't say there isn't enough control.  There is plenty.  On most modern installers you have total control of just about every package you install.  Thanks to this I can turn most of it off.  I'm not the kind of user that needs 50 packages installed by default.

7)  It's getting to that point.  SuSE had some funky problems with VLC.  You'd think everything VLC needs would be in the VLC repository but no, that would be too logical. ><

Overall I really like Linux.  It's fun to play with and really useful for a lot of things.  I just can't fully recommend it as a desktop OS when I find myself switching back to Windows all the time because there are things I just can't do in it.

Edit:  And you broke the thread.