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PC Discussion - Try Linux - View Post

Dogs Rule said:
SamuelRSmith said:
Well, I dual booted Hardy Heron for a while. I've also installed a few other distros on some laptops that were laying around the house. None of which impressed me.

The fact that you can do over 95% (except games and certain field specific applications) of all things Windows programs can do, only for free doesn't impress you?

Linux is not for everyone, but no OS is, ours just happens to be Free (in many meaninings of the word).


 Not particularly impressed, no. I just felt blocky, for some reason, I don't know why, there was something missing.

Point being, a good OS by design is an OS that you don't have to tackle with, that you forget is there. I have that experience with Windows, therefore I am happy with it. I have never had a blue-screen of death and rarely does anything crash on me (and when it does, it's so simple to restart the application).

Basically, I believe that this whole "Windows is buggy shit" is something that's been blown up by the media/internet abit like this Ross/Brand affair that's going on at the minute.