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PC Discussion - Try Linux - View Post

Words Of Wisdom said:
Soleron said:

1.  I haven't had a Windows virus in over 5 years.

2.  After trying SuSE, Ubuntu, Fedora, and a couple others I can honestly say that unless I'm running a stripped down GUI model that it's not faster.  In fact, pulling up notepad in Windows is faster than just about every GUI editting program I've used on a linux distro.

3.  This point is a pretty big lie especially on old PCs.  For example, Beryl becomes a huge performance hog as you increase the amount of stuff it does.  Just try the flames effect and watch older PCs struggle to perform.  If you're not doing anything that fancy then Stardock can match it without a noticeable performance decrease.

4.  Free versus a sunk cost doesn't lead to an advantage.  Unless you're building your own box (in which case the person would be savvy enough to make his/her own decisions), the average person is buying a box and getting Windows included in the package.

5.  Many great OSS applications on Linux have Windows counterparts.  Why be stuck with GIMP when I can have GIMP and Photoshop if I want?  Heck, I can also play real PC games while I'm at it.  Woo hoo!

6.  So either I install them separately after the OS or I install them with the OS.  I usually do it the former on my linux machines anyway.  If it's my box I'd rather get things as I need them instead of carrying a lot of bloat that I don't need.

7.  If by maze you mean a single installer then... well... then your point doesn't make sense.  Linux installations are only easy if you have a repository to install from.  Good luck to the poor novice trying to figure out make install on his/her own.

1. Because you are a sensible and knowledgable PC user. I know it's possible not to get viruses on a Windows system (I haven't got one running XP or Vista), but on Linux it is much harder to get infected in the case of malware and impossible in the case of viruses (because they don't exist)

2. Not for me, not on any computer. It's sometmes faster in the beginning, but after about a month XP and Vista slow right down, apparently by themselves.

3. I meant relative to Windows. With Compiz, you get get better effects than Aero on hardware Aero doesn't even support, like Intel integrated stuff.

4. I'll concede this, but it's the reason I hate MS so much (you can't buy a non-Windows PC for cheaper).

5. I'll concede this too, but it's better when the apps are native (GIMP on Windows sucks due to lack of integration). As for games, I honestly wouldn't recommend Linux to any serious gamer, or at least I'd say dual-boot.

6. You can't have it both ways. One of the criticisms of linux was that it required too much effort to set up, and now it doesn't you say their isn't enough control? For the average user, Linux is easier to set up than Windows.

7. Everything's in the main repository anyway. I've yet to find a useful program that isn't.