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PC Discussion - Try Linux - View Post

Dogs Rule said:
SamuelRSmith said:
Well, I dual booted Hardy Heron for a while. I've also installed a few other distros on some laptops that were laying around the house. None of which impressed me.

The fact that you can do over 95% (except games and certain field specific applications) of all things Windows programs can do, only for free doesn't impress you?

Linux is not for everyone, but no OS is, ours just happens to be Free (in many meaninings of the word).

Speaking as someone who ran Gentoo, Debian, Kubuntu, and a few other distros for half a decade, I don't even bother trying to get people to run linux unless they do it on their own accord. Even I got frustrated trying to find things and unless you really enjoy digging through manuals and getting harassed in irc channels trying to find functional drivers and getting things to work properly its just not worth it. For a lot of people, doing 100% of what they can do in Windows is important, and if they don't like using openoffice in windows, or prefer outlook to thunderbird (which is a poor replacement in its current state), it simply just isn't worth the switch.