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Kyros said:
Nintendo has always made money on their consoles.

Yeah and the last two generations they have been beaten down with a big stick by the Playstation competition that didn't do that. If they wouldn't have their hugely successful inhouse games and the profitable handheld business the Gamecube would have made a Dreamcast last gen. So that's no great advice either.

The problem is that if they loose out to the 360 this christmas we may start to see the crappy ports again that defined the beginning of this gen. Don't want.


What on earth are you talking about?  The reason they lost last two gens had nothing to do with the fact they were selling the console at a profit.  It was due to a head start for PS1, developers being driven to the PS1, brand name for PS2, an early start, games, etc.  Selling at a profit is the best advice you can give to any console manufacturer.  You just need to look at Nintendo's recent financial reports to see that. 

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