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selnor said:
Diomedes1976 said:
twesterm said:





You miss the point. You spout a list off ( which the majority are multiplatform and perform better on 360 ). If I produced a list for 360 games it would be of far bigger size and have more variety. On top of that it has better games in most categories. For instance if your into Hack n slash you have the option of NG2, DMC4, N9, DW, NG, Viking, Too Human. If you like racing you have PGR3 & 4, all the multiplat racing games Forza 2. If you like fighting games you have, SC4, VF5 (with online play), Dead or Alive 4, and all the multiplats. FPS's (I dont even need to comment). Sport all are multiplats (however where is all the PS3 football manager games??) RPG's well apart from the multiplat games you have LO, BD, ToV, TLR, IU, Fable 2. Sandobx titles all multiplats. The only genre lacking is stealth of which MGS4 is on PS3. Every category bar stealth the 360 has more and better rated games. So making your list is pointless. It shows nothing but the weakness of the linneup.


As always you are wrong.

I will just pick the examples you have given.

Hack adn Slash:So the 360 has NG2,DMC4,N9,DW,Viking ,Too Human.

So what?Too Human is a mediocre game ,N9 is even worse,and NG2 is not so good.The PS3 has DMC4,Viking ,Dinasty Warriors as well ,and instead of these Too Human ,N9 and NG2 has Ninja Gaiden Sigma ,Heavenly Sword and Yakuza Kenzan .The PS3 has at least the same level in this genre ,and I would put it a bit above .

Fighting ?.BOth consoles have VF5 and Soul Calibur IV.The 360 has Dead or Alive 4 ,thats true ...but the PS3 has Tekken Dark Ressurrection with its online play on the PSN.Pretty even .

 FPS?:I think you should comment.Aside of Halo 3 the PS3 has nearly all the 360 FPS there (no ,Gears 1 and 2 arent FPS but third person shooters).But ,the PS3 has for itself Resistence 1 ,the masterpiece that is Resistence 2 and SOCOM ...and Killzone 2 just around the corner .

Racing ?Aside from multiplattforms you have in the 360 Forza 2 and PGR4 and in the PS3 you have Gran Turismo 5 and Wipeout HD.I think the PS3 has more variety in here .

JRPG :Ok ,the 360 has still advantage here .But it hasnt got a single AAA game in this category ...while the PS3 may have one with Valkyrie of the Battlefield .

Music games:Both have the same multiplattform  games ....but PS3 has Singstar that is way above that Lips thing MS hasnt even released yet .

Stealth :MGS4 just destroys anything the 360 could ever come up with .

Plattformers :The 360 has zero right now ....waiting for Banjo that we have to see how it performrs.The PS3 has Little Big Planet ,Ratchet and Clank WOD and Ratchet and Clank QFB .

Sports games:Most are multiplattform yes ....but the PS3 has Everybodys Golf and the best baseball title with MLB 08 the Show as exclusives .Another win here .

And you are forgetting the PS3 has some very original things as Eye of Judgement ,and the best quizz game with Buzz .

The PS3 and 360 libraries are pretty comparable ,this argument is a thing of the past .