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My numbers are around:
Wii = 170max
PS3= 79max
Xbox360= 80max

In the worst cast scenario Sony could cause some other consumer negative reaction or Microsoft could sling more mud thier way and push down the PS3 max a bit same goes the other way. Either way those numbers are my July 2013 numbers ^_^ if I'm right which it kind of looks like I am then. Granted the PS3 has been slightly or was out pacing the 360 if a price drop on one sku can give 360 the lead on weeklies again then... >.>

It all comes down to saturation points really, how big is the Wii audience and how large is the HD audience.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D