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JHawkNH said:
Oyvoyvoyv said:
darthdevidem01 said:
Brilliant just brilliant for nintendo!

Also VG Chartz is DEAD ON!

For hardware yes, but unless there's over 55M software lieing around in shops, we're off like hell on software.


VGchartz will always be off on total software because it only tracks the top 200 each week.  That means none of the titles that are 201 and below get their numbers counted for that week.

It isn't a perfect system, but it is good enough.  It is the same way NDP does it.


No, that isn't how we do it.

If you look up the top 50 for each console, and add the totals toghether, that is lower than the total sold for most weeks. This means that VGC also gets an estimate for how much more has been sold. This one is far too low. (Or at least if my theory is correct)

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS