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I just found this on a german gamesite.


29.10.08 - Dengeki hat seine Leser gefragt, ob sie einen Nintendo DSi kaufen wollen; der neue Handheld ist ab dem 01.11.08 in Japan erhältlich:

3,6 %: Ich kaufe den NDSi sofort.
29,4 %: Ich warte erst noch eine Weile ab, bevor ich ihn kaufe.
26,2 %: Ich bin mir noch nicht sicher, ob ich ihn kaufen werde.
40,7 %: Ich kaufe den NDSi nicht


The survey was made among the readers of Dengeki, a japanese game magazine.

Basically the survey says that 3,6% will buy it on day one, 29,4% will wait for a couple of days/weeks, 26,2% are unsure if they'll buy it or not, 40,7% won't buy it at all.

I don't know what to think about it but to me it almost looks like as if the DS market is slowly but surely saturated in regards to the latest sales numbers of the DS which were quite low.

What are your thoughts on this?


Money spent on gaming in 2009: €130,00