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(I haven't played many of on the list but I'd thought I'd comment anyway from knowledge of the game)

KylieDog said:
What a joke of a list.

How does it include stupid games for the list lke like Gear of War but not Silent Hill: Homecoming?

As said, joke of a list.
Agreed. I haven't played either, but I haven't heard of Gears being particularly scary, and from what I've heard Silent Hill: Homecoming is scary and atmospheric.
I've played RE4, not really all that scary, a few scenes that freaked me out. Still an awesome title though.
F.E.A.R deserves to be there, I've got that and I have jumped out of my seat more than once XD. (F.E.A.R 2 is looking pretty good)
I really want to get Dead Space, that looks like fun. Can't wait to do a little dismembering.Siren, I'm guessing deserves to be there, I've seen a fair few vids and it's very dark and scary feel.