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Hey dude, nice looking case. This is one component you really have to get right in a computer, often its short changed.

You have to ask yourself what your goals are in terms of space, longevity, noise, cost etc.

I just purchased an Antec P182 because they look really nice and its extremely quiet. Also they are pretty nice to work in so it makes multiple upgrades/tweaks in the future a pleasant thought. Hasn't arrived yet so im sorry I can't give you my impressions.

They aren't cheap but they do a really good job at keeping the noise down. So thats a win for me.

Next up are the PSUs. If you get a good PSU it will be quieter, more stable and it will improve the lifespan of both your computer and itself by providing a cleaner power source. You can often get good combo deals between Cases and PSUs so its good to look at them together. Don't buy cheap, I did that once and took out my motherboard and ram and they were expensive too.

The PSU price is dictated by quality/output (You can have up to 3 GTX cards, but you'll pay for them with you PSU as well) so you'll have to decide what kind of graphics cards you want now as well.
