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They are totally different experiences but from the demo I would go with VC.

I beat ES on 360 and enjoyed it. It has it's flaws and I think the PS3 version will improve it in some areas (ie story). The story is original I will give it that, dealing with the final moments of Chopin. The problem is that while it starts out strong it gradually gets worse as the game goes on. I liked the game but story wasn't on the top of the list as to why. I know the PS3 version has some added content so hopefully that will clarify and build on what is already there.

As far as length...for a JRPG it's a pretty short linear affair. It took me just over 20 hours to beat the game the first playthrough. I went back and did one of the extra dungeons I missed and that added about another 6-8 hours onto the play time. I tend to take my time with RPGs so I was shocked it ended so fast. I think the norm for the game is around 25-30 hours for most people.

In comparison it took me almost 100 hours to complete all the achievements on Lost Odyssey. Mass Effect which people call short too took me about 35 hours first playthrough. I don't know the length of VC but I think you will get more mileage out of that game than Eternal Sonata.

Completed X360:
High Def Movie Collection