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Alrighty so looking at what im doing.....and the price of the new stuff O_o I think I' am just going to stick with the Nvidia motherboard stuff. This means some of the New expensives processors out atm will be cheaper so i will still be able to initially get something better then what i expected. I was gonna spend 400 on a CPU but some of the 1000 dollars ones might come down a little. I will get the CPU last so it gives me a good price drop. Next up is looking to be a tower and a heatsink. New Egg seams to have a pretty nice combo up at the moment. Any better deals floating around? Also will this case be big enough. O_o parts were a lot smaller back then and i didn't have to worry about case size as much. Don't want to put a fricken huge graphic card in that doesnt even work.

The case with the nice heatsync combo that to me....looks fricken sweet

CURRENTLY PLAYING:  Warframe, Witcher 2