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Hey all of us know that Crysis is a game with very high system requirements and it has the one of best graphics out there.Some sites like IGN and Gamespot have also state that is is the best graphical game till now,not even 360 or PS3 have a game with better graphics.But there is strong contender which is coming out in Feb 2009 which has the graphical power to take the tittle away from Crysis and that is Killzone 2.We all saw what killzone series has to offer with the Killzone 1 which was launched on the PS2,it had the graphic of this gen on a last gen consoles.They also recently launched a killzone 2 trailer which proved what is coming to the PS3 very soon.

My question to you is that can Killzone 2 beat Crysis Warhead to become the best graphical game yet?

If not there is always the Gran Turismo 5 which can take the tittle from Crysis