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After a scientific research (wiki) i came to the following conclusion:

Fear not nintendo fans, for holodisc has come !

I thought it would be complete vaporware, but there even is a prototype, so it's on the same level as the 400 gb Bluraydisc, according to a lot of people here, it's basicly just around the corner.

The initial capacity for a 12 cm disc seems to be 300 gb, the target capacity over 1 terrabyte !

I can't believe it, nintendo joins the pissing contest and even bluray doesn't hold a candle against it.

Imagine uncompressed midi !!! Finally everythings prerendered, no need for dedicated rendering, no framedrops, no jaggies, like Dragon's lair, but interactive. That way the grfx will be at least 1080p. This will mark the end of the cpu/gpu arms race, the wii2 is going to be the one and only console !