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Very impressive numbers for Fallout 3, since it's had one day to sell. It's going to be huge, just like Fable 2. Forum isn't working, but I will post comparison #s very shortly.


Fable 2 Day Fallout 3
2,226 -1 916
11,447 0 7,330
12,348 1 7,863
13,715 2
16,414 3 (PAL)
16,873 4
16,759 5
14,616 6
12,843 7

At any rate, you can see that Fallout 3 is at roughly 64% of the Fable 2 number. That may seem low, but Fallout 3 has less online content, therefore may be less represented by online data samples.

Because of this, one can't say for certain how it's going to end up. But if these numbers hold similarly, in the West, we can expect first week sales of roughly 640,000 units. However, due to the skewing of online/offline gaming habits, I would be willing to say that F3 may have be under-represented slightly.

640,000-750,000 first week for the X360. If numbers hold as they have for other similar PS3 titles, expect around 350,000-400,000 for the PS3 version.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.