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SamuelRSmith said:
ctk495 said:

Nah porn is lame is the same thing over again I can't watch it is too lame.Although I'm considering getting a gf there is this hawt girl that sits next to me on chemistry class an I really like her but I don't know how to approach her I only lend her colors once and I don't know what to say.Any advice?


 "I'm having a BBQ this weekend... fancy tossing some salad?"

Or, more appropriately:

If all you can currently do/say is hand over colours (I assume you mean pencils... sounds like one hell of an easy chemistry course) you need to break the ice... a comic line would help - but nothing cheesy - cheesy lines kill any form of moment ever. Also, if she sits next to some friends, listen into their convo (don't make it obvious, though), find something she's talking about that you enjoy type thing, and just make a comment, hopefully she'll play ball and let you in the convo. The first step really is breaking the ice/odd convo, then making her laugh/able to talk about anything/it's not awkward coming up with subject, then friendship, progression, my friend, is the key.

If that doesn't work, I've got plenty of knockout drugs you can use... for a fee.

Should I mention her video of facebook were she is drunk and talking nonsense? Will that make a good conversation topic?Also I'm not sure if my chemistry class is easy I'm using that GCSE book.