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I don't really know how many disks it would take for Sony to make back the money through blu-ray but i'm sure the amount is insanely massive. However, why does everyone assume that blu-ray would have lost and putting blu-ray in the PS3 was the only way blu-ray was gonna win?

If Sony would have made a $300 PS3 and had a blu-ray add on for $100 or $150 the PS3 would have sold much much better and the add on should have easily sold enough to turn the tide of the war. It would still have been the cheapest blu-ray player on the market. They could have also money-hatted a studio if they really had to to turn the tide (dont' think it would be necessary though), it certainly would have been a hell of a lot cheaper than the losses they got on the PS3.

There is also the possibility that blu-ray could have won without the ps3 completely. Blu-ray players would have actually been sold at a decent price if it wasn't for PS3.

If the PS3 was the same price as the 360 we wouldn't be talking about how ps3 doesn't differentiate from the 360, we'd be talking about how 360 doesn't differentiate from the PS3. Ironically in trying to differentiate itself from 360 with blu-ray it actually does exactly the opposite.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X