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My estimate for end of the year market share (weekly sales are here:

Wii: 45.52M - 48.5%

Ps3: 21.67M - 23.1%

X360: 26.64M - 28.3%


The gap will then be 2.79M


I see the Wii selling 2M-2.2M/month in Q1 next year, which is ~ 484K weekly. I see the HD consoles dipping as most consoles would, down to ~ 180K for Ps3 and 150K for X360. 330K total.


So I see it taking 18 weeks or so (into 2009) for Wii to achieve 50% market share, and it happening roughly at the start of May.


Note: This is not a purely statistical post, and it has a few personal estimates that are not totally proof backed. No cakes were hurt during the making of this Barack Obama ad.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS