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The first problem with this statement is that it is unreliable. Remember Sony has no compunction about lying to the public about their consoles MSRP. They have done it before, and they will do so again. Unfortunately they are never held to account for the lying. The fans never give them the finger for the shenanigans, and the gaming media just overlooks the whole affair. Even after they were used to spread the lie. The comments are coming from a highly unreliable source.

That said I am perplexed as to what Sony would or should do. There are obviously financial incentives to maintain the price. However there is also a logic that says use the console as a spear head through lean financial times. A few weeks ago I thought the console was a perfect tool to protect market penetration for their technologies. However it is looking like Sony is barely going to break even in this economic climate, and that means Sony can probably no longer compete on this front.

Sony is just not getting any breaks this generation. The loss leading strategy backfired on them, and now due to the dire economic situation they are probably left with only a defensive posture. With little to no ability for aggression. That is a terrible position. Not only are they losing the pricing war, but the tight purse strings probably mean they will lose the advertising war, exclusives war, and overall the console war.

These comments have sitting duck written all over them.