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First off before I get slammed, I'm no fanboy, I actually love (and own & play) all 3 of this generations systems... and as of late I actually play my PS3 the most, but with that being said, the PS3 will not succeed on number of consoles sold, because Sony & Microsoft both don't make very much (and in some cases nothing) on the console anyway.

The success of this console generation war will be won in software sales.

I don't even count the Wii in this fight, because in my opinion, it's in its own niche anyway.

Therefore, unless the PS3 starts to sell more software, Sony will never consider the PS3 launch to be successful.

And like I said, I actually have and play both HD Consoles, and love and hate things about each one equally. I'm a fanboy, but I'm a video game fanboy.

I literally have nearly every system released by every video game company since 1982, and most of the top titles on all of these systems... so I don't want people to think that I am a PS3 hater.

I actually have come to love and respect my PS3 a lot more lately because my 360 is currently being repaired by Microsoft for the infamous RROD. I love that the PSN is free vs $49.99 USD/annually for LIVE....

But truthfully speaking, although I wish LIVE were free, it adds a revenue stream to Microsoft. If the 360 ends up having a 5 year life span (though I doubt it will) that means I paid $400.00 for the console plus $300.00 for a live service that Sony has shown can be provided for free.

Therefore, I actually paid $700.00 for my 360, and for some reason I keep buying games for it.

And I do LOVE my PS3, and actually play the same games on it as I do on my 360, but thus far I haven't been given a good reason to completely defect over to Sony.

I think the best games on both consoles are actually the same titles, (with the exception of the Halo series on XBOX, and GT series on the PS3)...

Microsoft really pulled a huge coup d'etat by getting dual releases on a number of former PlayStation titles.

For whatever reason, 360 software sales (and average titles per console sold) continually beat out Sony week in and week out.

The only way for Sony to win the fight is to find a way to get each console owner to buy more games. And I would love to see them do it, because the PS3 really is a gem, and pound for pound a better gaming system for many reasons than the 360.

If you ask me, I think that Xbox Live is the one thing that sets it apart from the PS3 and it's inferior PSN. I really wish Sony would overhaul the PSN, and then I'd probablly actually defect to the Sony camp for good.


Wii Code:



XBOX LIVE: Comrade Tovya 2
